Course curriculum

    1. Introduction and Instructions

    2. Module 1: Define your goals - the SMART way

    1. Module 2: What is My Monthly Income?

    2. Module 2: Recap Quiz

    3. Module 2: Exercises

    4. Module 3: Why and How Much Should I Save?

    5. Module 3: Recap Quiz

    6. Module 3: Exercises

    7. Module 4: What are My Necessary Expenses?

    8. Module 4: Recap Quiz

    9. Module 4: Exercises

    10. Module 5: Those Additional Expenses

    11. Module 5: Recap Quiz

    12. Module 5: Exercises

    1. Module 6: Putting it All Together: The Budget

    2. Module 6: Recap Quiz

    3. Module 6: Exercises

    4. Module 7: Adjustments Along the Way

    5. Module 7: Recap Quiz

    6. Module 8: Reestablishing Credit

    7. Module 8: Recap Quiz

    1. Module 9: Achieve Financial Health and Stability

    1. Month 1: SMART Goals

    2. Month 2: Income & Savings

    3. Month 3: Necessary Expenses

    4. Month 4: Spending

    5. Month 5: Budget Review

    6. Month 6: Credit Review & Lookback

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Take Advantage of your Financial Fresh Start Now!

Do you have a plan moving forward? How much do you have to spend each month? What expenses do you have each month that you need to spend to survive? This is just the starting point to know what your financial future holds. Set yourself up for success and not get back into the debt trap. Enroll now and start learning about your post bankruptcy financial world. This is valued at over $2,000. Enroll today for just $97 and start your New Tomorrow... Today!